Brand development and identity for the application Fanvitrine. The concept for the logo is based on ‘likes’ and the heart shape symbol frequently used on Facebook where the application can be installed. This app is particularly useful if you have a shop but no online platform to sell your products. Offering a virtual store window and promotion to gain fans on the Facebook page of your business by using social media marketing strategies. The application imports products from your Prestashop or Ebay without needing to create an online store. The application is free to use up until a maximum of 80 products. This project was very important to me, to introduce me more into the world of the UX/UI. It’s not currently working. After the privacy policy changes the creators decided to abandon it. It was very expensive in time, considering that it was a free application, update it to the new privacy policies and treatment of data. It was a beautiful project and helped many local vendors put their products online.